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Fiber optic splicing Fiber optic splicing is a technique that is used by fiber optic companies in order to bring two fiber optic cables together so that they are capable of transmitting data without skipping a beat. One of the main methods of fiber optic splicing is called fusion splicing, and it’s widely regarded as the most commonly used method of fiber optic splicing because it allows for the lowest loss and least reflectance in the newly formed fiber optic cable that has been spliced together.There are several steps that are used during fusion splicing. First, in order to prepare two fiber optic cables to be spliced, the fiber must be stripped down. A fiber optic company will remove the protective coating on the two fiber optic cables as well as any jackets or tubes that are located on them. What remains will be two bare, clean fibers that are ready for fusion splicing.Once that is finished, the fiber optic company will cleave the fibers. This creates a clean break in the fibers that wouldn’t exist if you were to simply cut the fibers. From there, the fibers are then fused together. To finish the fusing, the fiber optic company will use a fiber optic splicer to align the two pieces of fiber. After they are lined up properly, an electrical arc will then be used to melt the fibers and weld them so that the two fibers become one.After a successful fusion has been completed, a fiber optic company will finish off the splicing process by protecting the fiber optic cable that has been created. Even though the new cable should already be strong as long as everything went according to plan, there are heat shrink tubing, mechanical crimp protectors, and other products that can be used on a fiber optic cable to protect it from the elements.

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